Sunday, February 27, 2011

Cinnamon rolls

I got this recipe from my friend Valérie and I will forever be grateful that she shared it with me because these rolls are out-of-this-world... They are a million times better than the super sweet and greasy cinnamon rolls you can buy at the mall.

They are not hard to make (especially if you have a stand mixer doing all the kneading!), but give yourself plenty of time since the dough needs to rise twice. And don't forget a little icing on top!

Makes 14 rolls.

  • 1 ¼ cup milk = 300 ml de lait
  • 2 teaspoons instant dry yeast = 2 cuillères à café de levure de boulanger déshydratée
  • 6 tablespoons sugar = 6 cuillères à soupe de sucre
  • 6 tablespoons butter, softened = 85 g de beurre, ramolli
  • 1 teaspoon salt = 1 cuillère à café de sel
  • 1 large egg beaten = un oeuf, battu
  • 3 ½ cup flour = 425 g de farine
  • 5 tablespoons sugar = 5 cuillères à soupe de sucre
  • 1 tablespoon ground cinnamon = 1 cuillère à soupe de canelle en poudre
  • 2 tablespoons butter, softened = 30 g de beurre, ramolli
  • 2 tablespoons cream cheese = 30 g de cream cheese ou équivalent
  • 1 teaspoon vanilla extract = 1 cuillère à café d'extrait de vanille
  • ¾ cup confectioners sugar = 100 g de sucre glace
  • 2 tablespoons milk = 2 cuillères à soupe de lait

Warm milk to about 100-110°F, add yeast. Stir and let stand for 5 minutes.

Cream together sugar, salt and butter. Add egg and mix until blended. Gradually add flour and milk/yeast mixture. Mix with the dough hook until a soft dough forms. Knead for 10 more minutes (or 12-15 minutes by hand). You may have to add a little flour or milk. Lightly grease a bowl and transfer the dough. Let rise, covered, for about 2 hours or until doubled.

Turn the dough out on a lightly floured work surface, and roll it into a rectangle about 14 inches by 12 inches and 2/3 inch thick. Mix sugar and cinnamon and sprinkle all over the dough. Starting with the longest side, roll the dough into a log and cut 14 1-inch slices. Place in a large greased baking pan (or two small ones), cover and let rise again for one and a half hour.

Bake at 350F/180C for 22-25 minutes. Remove from pan and cool on wire rack.

To make the icing: cream together butter, cream cheese and vanilla extract. Gradually add confectioners sugar and milk and continue mixing until smooth. Spread on cooled rolls. Enjoy!


  1. Je vais tenter ! Une question : par quoi tu remplace le cream cheese en France ? Dans mon mag bio j'ai un genre de Philadelphia, c'est ça ?

  2. Tout a fait ca, Claire! Je crois que le cream cheese Philadelphia se trouve en France maintenant(a Monop?) :)
