Thursday, October 31, 2013

Banana Pumpkin Smoothie

I think I am slightly addicted to this smoothie. I've made it pretty much everyday for the last week or so! It tastes so good and it's a great source of vitamin A, calcium and protein. Yummy and healthy, yes! Plus easy to fix for breakfast or an after-school snack!

If you can't find low-fat kefir, substitute 1/2 Greek yogurt, 1/2 milk . And feel free to spice it up with ginger and cinnamon, I personally enjoy the clean, fresh, simple taste of the banana and pumpkin together, lightly sweetened with a touch of honey.
*** Have a happy, spooky Halloween!***

Makes 1 large smoothie (breakfast) or 2 small ones (snack)

  • 1 ripe banana = 1 banane bien mûre
  • ½ cup pumpkin (canned or homemade) = 120 gr de purée de citrouille ou potiron
  • 1 cup kefir = 240 ml de kefir
  • ½ tablespoon honey = ½ cuillère à soupe de miel
  • 1 tablespoon ground flax seeds (optional) = 1 cuillère à soupe de graines de lin moulues (facultatif)
  • a few ice cubes = quelques glaçcons

Mix all the ingredients in a blender until smooth. Serve right away. Enjoy!

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