There are lots of pool time ahead in our summer schedule, including early swim practices and meets. These oatmeal squares are a great on-the-go breakfast or snack. They are quite different in terms of texture and taste than the other oatmeal squares I posted a couple of years ago. They are also a bit healthier. I make them nut-free to keep everyone on the swim team safe but if you know allergies are not an issue, feel free to throw in walnuts or almonds. This batch included dried cranberries and blueberries, pepitas (pumpkin seeds) and bittersweet chocolate chips. I think the next one will have dried apricots and mango, white chocolate chips and shredded coconut. Can't wait!
Makes 20-25 squares
- 2 cups old fashioned oats = 160 g de flocons d'avoine
- 1 cup unbleached flour = 120 g de farine
- ½ teaspoon cinnamon = ½ cuillère à café cannelle
- pinch of salt = une pincée de sel
- 1 teaspoon baking powder = 1 cuillère à café levure
- ¼ cup evaporated cane juice sugar = 4 cuillères à soupe de sucre non-raffiné (bio)
- 1 ½ cup buttermilk = 350 ml de lait ribot (ou de lait normal)
- ¼ cup applesauce = 4 cuillères à soupe de compote de pomme
- ¼ cup oil (canola, coconut...) = 4 cuillères à soupe d'huile
- 1 large egg = 1 oeuf
- 1 teaspoon vanilla = 1 cuillère à café de vanille
- ½ cup dried fruit (cranberries, raisins, blueberries, apricot...), chopped if needed = 50 à 75 g de fruits secs, coupés en morceaux si besoin
- ¼ to ½ cup chocolate chips or chunks = 25 à 50 g de pépites ou petits dés de chocolat
- ¼ cup pepitas (or any chopped nuts) = 30 g de graines de citrouille ou tournesol, ou de noix
- ¼ cup shredded coconut (optional) = 30 g de noix de coco râpée
Preheat oven to 375 degrees.
Combine oats, flour, cinnamon, salt,
baking powder and sugar in a large bowl.
Mix the buttermilk, applesauce, oil,
egg, and vanilla in another bowl.
Pour the wet mixture into the dry ingredients, stir gently to combine. Fold in the dried fruits, chocolate chips, pepitas (or nuts if using) and shredded coconut.
Pour the oatmeal mixture into a
buttered 7 x 11 inch baking dish.
Bake for about 35 minutes. Remove from
oven and let cool down completely. Cut into squares. Enjoy!
Note: I keep the oatmeal squares in a
sealed container in the fridge and just microwave each for 10 seconds
before serving.